SkySiege provides full Cloud Security & Architecture Assessments the same-day, so you know what your project's security risks are immediately.
SkySiege works without installing software or agents on your services.
You manage and control the access SkySiege receives, keeping your data secure.
No long-term commitments, no extra effort – just straightforward results.
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SkySiege for Projects offers a one-time Cloud Assessment Scan of a single Cloud Account, identifying security and architectural issues. Ideal for project teams or small organizations, it provides a detailed report on potential concerns.
The service also includes a follow-up consultation with a SkySiege Engineer to discuss findings and mitigation options.
The SkySiege Cloud Assessment provides a PDF report highlighting all security and architectural issues found in your Cloud Account, explaining why they’re problematic, listing affected resources, and offering solutions.
It’s like a full penetration test for your Cloud Account, offering complete visibility and consistent, world-class standards with no wait time.
SkySiege queries Cloud Provider APIs to assess your cloud configuration, comparing it against known security risks and architecture anti-patterns. It enriches this data with real-world network insights, including ISP mappings, geolocation, and reserved IP ranges.
SkySiege provides a detailed security and architectural assessment within minutes, with a full report reviewed and delivered the same day.
No, installation is not required. SkySiege accesses your cloud account through a read-only role that you create. Once the report is complete, you can delete the role.
The role allows SkySiege to securely access your cloud account with the permissions you specify. While you can use an existing role, we recommend creating a separate one for simplicity.
No additional setup is needed beyond creating the role with the appropriate permissions.
You have full control over what SkySiege accesses. You can block access to certain areas, and SkySiege’s assessments will proceed without that data.
When given access to services, SkySiege only accesses data related to your infrastructure configuration, such as network setup and server start times. It does not access sensitive data, secrets, or log into servers.
Yes, all access requests made by SkySiege are logged by your Cloud Provider. You can review everything SkySiege accesses through your Cloud API access logs.
Three simple steps are all that’s required:
A security and architecture assessment for a single cloud account with follow up consultation
$3,500 per single Assessment
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