Vulnerabilities with a Low risk factor are unlikely to be a current concern but have potential to contribute a weakened security posture over time. Low risk vulnerabilities often reference a time factor which may indicate when a security concern may manifest in the future.
Low Risks can be summarised as:
These fixes should be implemented when possible
Low Risk Vulnerabilities usually have the following characteristics:
Low risk vulnerabilities should be considered good practice and should be pursued alongside key business and security objectives.
Treat low risk vulnerabilities as the elimination of technical or process debt. However, do consider and prioritise against the increasing risk burden as low priorities remain unmaintained.
Low risk vulnerabilities may not flag up on an audit, however, the management of low risk vulnerabilities composes a key part of security processes such as ISO 27001 certification. Whilst the existence of low risk vulnerabilities are not critical the processes around managing these risk factors can form part of key business objectives.
SkySiege Cloud Security Assessments scan for this issue and provide same-day reports.
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