
High Risk Classification



High risk vulnerabilities are those with severe compromises in their design, especially when compared to modern, more secure architectures. These vulnerabilities are often significant contributors to known security compromises in the wild. They have multiple alternative designs or solutions that can mitigate the inherent risks in their common configurations.

High Risks can be summarised as:

This needs fixing urgently


High Risk Vulnerabilities usually have the following characteristics:

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High risk vulnerabilities should should be treated as likely compromise origins and require replacement as soon as possible. They may continue operating in the short term should they be business critical, but so get due attention and prioritisation to ensure that they are fixed as soon as possible.

Fixing High risk vulnerabilities is more important than features. They can be less important than maintaining up time, however, we advise utilising downtime budgets to replace High risk vulnerabilities as needed. It is important to get High risk vulnerabilities removed in as short a time frame as practical.

High risk vulnerabilities should fail an audit resulting in blocking of certifications, launches or insurance.

Discover if you're vulnerable

SkySiege Cloud Security Assessments scan for this issue and provide same-day reports.
Available for individual projects or organisations.

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