
Domains Due to Expire Within 90 Days


Expiring Domains without Autorenew lead to service downtime and signal operational risk. Expired domains can also be captured by malicious parties.


Our advised practice for managing domains is to ensure that all domains are set to auto-renew unless a deliberate strategic decision has been made to let them expire. If a domain is to be discontinued, this decision should be made well in advance of the expiration date to avoid unintended consequences. Allowing a domain to lapse and return to the public pool for purchase can result in significant risks including domain squatting, service downtime and reputational damage.

Domain Squatting

Domain squatting occurs when third parties purchase an expired domain with the intent to exploit its previous association. These parties may demand a ransom from the original owner to regain control of the domain or use it for malicious purposes, such as impersonating businesses. Ownership of a domain grants full rights to use it for activities like email signing (DKIM, SPF), obtaining publicly trusted certificates for secure connections, and any other domain-related operations.

As so many services utilise domain managed information for identity, authentication and authorisation processes, the blast radius for a captured domain can be catastrophic. The question is less related to the number of records or hosted services on a domain, but the unknown data that is uniquely linked to a domain that can be access via the controls that the domain owner has access to.

For an understanding of what data can be indirectly captured via old domains research by Inti De Ceukelaire gives an idea of how large the blast radius for domain control can be with not much work. Our reference article summarises and links to his research and also expands on how this vulnerability can be leveraged further. However, for €850 and 48 hours plenty of data was captured with little effort.


If it is intended to keep domains it’s best to turn autorenew on. This completely prevents any domain squatting from occuring. If a domain is to be expired then there are a few checks we would recommend performing by investigating the domain records:

Depending on the use of the domain the expiration of the domain can be quite complicated. The more usage a domain sees the more difficult it is to retire it safely. Get some guidance as you need!

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Incident References

Reference: What's in a name?

Reference: What's in a name?

Test A-R53-8 specifically looks for Domains that are due to expire within the next 90 days that do not have any form of auto renewal. We reference the risk for expired domains to get squatted whereby a third party captures the domain and utilises it for ransom, SEO capture or other nefarious schemes. However, there’s an additional level of risk in the data that the domain has implicit ownership over that has been proven by other researchers in the field.

reference security domains

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